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Muscle Pain Back of Head "Gamechanger" Chiropractic Adjustment!

Migraine Muscle Pain graphicFor those of you with migraines and muscle pain back of head, in the following video I’m going to explain to you what the problem is, what a solution is and I’m going to show you one of my most powerful Game Changer adjustments.

I’m going to describe some anatomy and the neurology which may affect migraine pain at the back of the head.

I’m going to demonstrate an occipital lift type-adjustment which is my personal preferred method of adjusting people who’ve been suffering for a long time with migraine pain coming from the back of the head.

View the video below:

So for me as a upper cervical focused chiropractor, the back of the head is a very exciting area. There are three bones which have a very big impact on the nervous system and thus the control and function of the body.

The first bone is called the occipital bone. It comes all the way down and goes around under the hole at the base of the skull. The hole’s Latin name is Foramen Magnum which means “big hole”. Then on either side are sliding surfaces and they’re called condyles and it allows the head to move in this direction and that direction.

The top bone in the spine is a ring. It’s ring-like surfaces either side, match with the skull and the skull moves on that surface up and down now. The cool thing about this bone, which is called Atlas – a little bit like the God that holds up the weight of the world, it holds up the weight of the skull. Atlas not only has forward and backwards motion going on,  but there is a pin that it sits on that it rotates around. So rotation, looking over the shoulder type motion, also comes from this one bone. So there’s two different ranges of motion coming from that one bone.

C1-C2-axis-graphicNow the third bone in the skull is known as C2. C2 again is atypical it’s not quite a ring it has a little body like the other typical vertebrae but what it does have which is atypical is a pivot point. That pivot point is called the dens and it allows C1 especially, to rotate around it. This gives 45 degrees of motion to the neck from that one joint.

Now not only do nerves exit between spinal bones but within the muscles & ligaments there are tiny nerve receptors called motor receptors and proprioceptors which also feed-back signals to the brain.

So, if the body is stressed enough and there are thousands of examples of how stress from life can affect the body, or if a weakness develops the nerve system is not able to carry out the commands of the brain and the nerve-muscle-body system gets stuck in a state of nerve interference processing. Where it’s trying to correct but is not able to.

Check out the video for further information and drop any comments you have down below, and I’ll circle around and check them out.

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  1. Lori Nelson says
    Nov 14, 2023 at 9:38 PM

    Would love to get any further info on the occipital lift adjustment for Migraine headaches. I have been seeing a chiropractor for four sessions and am very pleased with her; however, the adjustment does not seem to be staying in place. She thinks I need more time and adjustments to see results because I have had the migraines (pressure on both sides of my head) for two years and should not expect immediate results. That makes sense to me.

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