Meet Dr. Craig Hindson
Dr. Craig Hindson is your family chiropractor in Ottawa and the owner and Director of Loving Life Chiropractic.
As a former military engineering officer, he found both his wife-to-be and his calling to become a chiropractic doctor in 2001. Craig met Marie-Claude while serving in Plymouth in England.
When he initially found out that she was a chiropractic doctor he replied, “Oh yeah. Bad backs and bad necks – a waste of money!” This view was based on the experience of his step-father who was a brick-layer and master stone-mason.
As he was ignorant of chiropractic care, Marie-Claude insisted that he attend a chiropractic workshop designed to help potential patients get better results, faster. Although he started the workshop as a skeptic at the end he knew his vocation was to be a chiropractor and within a week he had put his notice in to leave the Royal Navy!
Shortly after they were married and Craig was attached at short notice to the UK’s elite shock troops – the Royal Marine Commandos. After 15 years of service including time in 3 war zones …
Read More of Dr. Craig’s Story

Dr. Craig was based in Bagram airbase in Afghanistan amongst 30,000 land mines!
Bagram photo – Jim Garamone, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Dr. Craig ran a successful family chiropractic business in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in Northeast England, for ten years before deciding to make the move across the pond. Over the course of the last sixteen years, his chiropractic journey from skeptic to patient, to office manager and to doctor has exposed him to results that make him passionate about sharing the chiropractic principle with others.
These results include the restoration of hearing in a 4-year-old boy and helping a woman recover after 40 years of asthma and lifelong migraines*. Seeing these types of results in his patients inspires him to stay current and motivates him to regularly conduct outreach workshops at clubs, churches, gyms, and businesses.
In fact, Dr Craig does his signature talk “Improve Your Performance at Work Home and at Play” for local organisations between 2-4 times a month. For Dr. Craig’s availability to present ONLINE or OFFLINE (as necessary) at your workplace or venue call us at (613) 725-2525
* TESTIMONIAL DISCLAIMER: This is only one person’s experience. Results vary from person to person and chiropractic care is not a cure for these issues but is a method of removing nerve interference to allow the body to better function in all areas of performance.
Chiropractic Care for Children
Dr. Craig lives the concept of family chiropractic care and his practice is designed to cater for moms, dads, and especially children. As the father of two daughters who have experienced the benefits of regular chiropractic wellness care since they were 3-days-old, he understands the nuances and challenges of working and communicating with young patients.
Helping Patients Overcome Stress and Trauma
While he served alongside the Royal Marine Commandos during the 2002 Afghanistan Operations and the 2003 Iraq war he was responsible for “decompression training” which was meant to allow soldiers to readjust from a warzone back to daily family life.
This did not work with many of the warriors and ironically, he had a massive loss of perspective and health himself, several months after returning from his 3rd war zone in Iraq.
Despite being told by a medical specialist that he would steadily lose cognitive function, even with a lifetime of medical drugs, he chose a more natural and congruent route back to health, utilising massive action in the realms of chiropractic care, nutrition, exercise, rest and thought-life. During this period, in order to better help others, he became an author and retrained as a chiropractic doctor.
This experience has allowed him to relate better to the stresses of “trauma service” workers and has also educated him to see the need for his services in this arena. He regularly works with military, law enforcement, and emergency service personnel to aid them in recovery from physical, chemical, and emotional stresses and share the latest health maintenance measures. Dr. Craig has also developed an interactive workshop on better dealing with stress.
Education and Memberships
Dr. Craig attended D’Youville College in Buffalo, which involved hands-on chiropractic training at the Eire County Medical Centre, Buffalo Nerve Spine and Surgery Clinic. He also holds a Bachelor of Engineering and has International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA) Special Training in the Webster Technique, which helps normalize pelvic balance and is used by many pre- and post-pregnancy moms.
Giving Back Through Service
Dr. Craig Hindson is an avid proponent of the benefits of chiropractic care for veterans dealing with stress and trauma. While in the UK he was frustrated with the lack of knowledge and access for these unique patients and he founded the UK’s “Hands for Heroes-Free Chiropractic Care for War Veterans” program-a program that provides free care to war veterans. It has run for the last 11 years and has evolved from one office in 2009, to over 170 offices in nine countries by 11/11/ 11 (Nov 11 2011).
Enjoying Life in Ottawa
When he’s not in his practice (which is in his home so it is almost never!), Dr. Craig fills his bucket by spending time with his wife, reading the next book on his “10 most influential books list” with his children (I’m loving that!). He loves doing house reno’s and wrestling his dog Rosie. He also runs most mornings with her (an accountability Godsend) and has been recently enjoying the Winter and Summer contrasts which Ottawa offers.
A Word From Dr Craig
If you would like to come and meet myself and the team please just swing-by sometime for a cup of tea during our opening hours (I love tea, and we always have it on). If DISTANCING RESTRICTIONS are still in force just call us on (613) 725-2525 to organise a slot to come by and say “Hi!”
Alternatively, call us on (613) 725-2525 or contact us through this link and we can schedule a risk-free consultation (offline or online) where we chat in a dedicated appointment to see if we can help you and if not we will refer you to someone who can help. I am genuinely excited to meet with you soon,
All the best in love and life,
Dr Craig